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Artist Statement

My work is an exploration of abstract forms, lines and marks on paper using colored pencils, wax stix, wax pastels and found objects. I am drawn to the horizon line as a means to establish a sense of calm within the drawing that is otherwise filled with movement and chaos. Stones or shells serve to elicit a feeling of stability and connection to the earth. It is important for me to show the artist’s hand in each drawing. The marks on the drawings are meant to elicit a sense of writing and communication, often chaotically but other times used as a formal means of creating movement. I use my photographs of the beach as inspirations for my drawings. The beach represents a place of serenity yet it is also the place where we experience the chaos of the ocean. Working abstractly enables me to capture an emotional state without the visual associations that accompany an identifiable object, freeing me to express what I believe we all share- a need for internal stability in a chaotic world.

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